Sponsor Mary
Mary was rescued as a tiny cub in December 2018 and christened Mary Christmas, in honour of our founder Mary Hutton. She was intercepted by a Department of Forest Inspection officer, who saw her in the truck of an illegal wildlife trader, moments before she would have been lost forever.
She was the only sun bear at the Laos sanctuary (we have over 75 rescued moon bears in Laos) until the rescue of two more female sun bears Noy and Pandy. They now live in a group and love to play and wrestle. Mary is a gorgeous little sun bear with a vivacious personality. She totally captured our hearts as well as many more people around the world when she became the star of the BBC Docuseries 'Bears About the House'.
By sponsoring Mary, you will be helping provide for her daily needs - a healthy diet, health checks, enrichment activities and a lovely forest enclosure with climbing platforms, caves, swimming pools and hammocks. We'll email you a sponsorship certificate and send updates every March and September.
To sponsor Mary Christmas is AU$420 / GB£240 / US$336 / EU€264 per year - you can choose to make monthly, bi-annual or annual installments (if bi-annual or annual, we'd appreciate it if you could make it recurring to help our small team). Click the button for your donation currency and you will be taken to a SECURE DONATION FORM.

To return and see the other bears available to sponsor, click here.
To see more of Mary, watch these great clips released by BBC Earth: